September 2024 Version 4.12.071 |
If your current Spectrum version is prior to 4.12.065 then
it requires a change in database structure, So please
take backup first before installing the updates. IT
While exporting reports to file, if user selects PDF
format and save it and again if user selects export to
file then earlier selected PDF format was not coming
automatically. Now Solved. |
In Account Ledger Option of Status Enquiry, if user
selects Reference Detail and immediately user clicks on
outstanding option then it was displaying error. Now
Solved. |
Now program will display Item Entry Rate in Stock Ledger
and Stock Transaction option of Status Enquiry. |
If user pickups order in Invoice and doesnt selects
discounted items then program was picking discount
amount at calculation level and if user delete
discounted item then also program was not recalculating
discount amount at calculation level. Now Solved. |
In Sales Invoice Entry, if user pickups quotation to
generate invoice then program was storing SAO as
document type in Quotation Document Type field. Now
Solved. |
In Sales Invoice Entry, if user pickups proforma Invoice
to generate invoice then program was not storing
quotation document detail. Now Solved. |
In all data entry, if stock quantity goes beyond maximum
level or below reorder or minimum level then program
will display message with Item and store code. |
June 2024 Version 4.12.070 |
If your current Spectrum version is prior to 4.12.065 then
it requires a change in database structure, So please
take backup first before installing the updates. IT
GSTR1 has been updated to provide new excel sheet ECO to
submit summary of sales made through eCommerce operator. |
Now in sales invoice entry new button
IRN has
provided at bottom to GST API users. User can click this
button to get IRN details like eInvoice Acknowledgement
No., Acknowledgement Date, IRN, eWayBill No, eWayBill
Date, eWayBill Valid upto and QRCode and will update in
entry. This button will require only in case when all
the above details has not updated while generating
eInvoice. |
Now in purchase bill entry new button IRN
has provided adjacent to eInvoice IRN field. Because to
enter IRN in purchase entry of supplier's invoice
is very difficult, so user can click this button and
generate IRN text and update to field. This will
generate proper IRN text only if supplier GSTIN and bill
no is same as eInvoice generated by supplier. This
button will not generate any eInvoice. |
Now if user picks up sales invoice or purchase bill
entry from any previous entered entry then it will
initialise all GST eInvoice & eWayBill information. |
Now in all document and voucher export, program will
pickup PDF as default document format. |
June 2024 Version 4.12.069 |
If your current Spectrum version is prior to 4.12.065 then
it requires a change in database structure, So please
take backup first before installing the updates. IT
Now in outstanding reminder there will be option to
consider postdated cheques. |
In case of purchase bill voucher printing in batch mode
voucher printing, it was displaying error. Now Solved. |
Now user can generate eWayBill for B2C party even
generate eWayBill from IRN has selected. |
Now in work order entry, if calculate all process has
selected then program will ask to use subassembly items
if available. If user selects it then program will use
subassembly items and use raw materials for balance
quantity. |
In GST eInvoice or eWayBill generation if user selects
for selected documents then program will party GSTNo in
list. |
Now in Sales and Purchase Analysis report, quantity and
amount will show in separate column if selected. |
Now program will not validate PAN No logic in GST No.
Validation. It validate only for alpha numeric character
only. |
In batch card listing if user selects for particular
group or category then it was displaying error. Now
solved. |
In purchase bill entry, if there was large volume data
then it was taking time to check duplicate bill no. Now
solved. |
In case of export invoice with party's blank GST No with
Zero duty amount then program was not generating GST
eInvoice. Now Solved. |
October 2023 Version 4.12.067 |
Version requires a change in database structure, So please
take backup first before installing the updates. IT
New eTDS system incorporated for TDS FVU 8.2 |
Now while downloading GST eWayBill using API, program
will display warning if date is older than one month. |
August 2023 Version 4.12.066 |
Version requires a change in database structure, So please
take backup first before installing the updates. IT
Steps taken in case Microbrain website is down. |
July 2023 Version 4.12.065 |
Version requires a change in database structure, So please
take backup first before installing the updates.
In sales and purchase order entry, it was displaying non
accounting group party masters. Now solved. |
New NonAdVol cess and it's calculation has been provided
in all sales, purchase and expense related entries. |
New SGSTCess and it's calculation has been provided in
all sales, purchase and expense related entries. |
If entry is having multiple items and item wise discount
percentage is different and GST at calculation level
then it was not distributing gross amount properly. Now
solved. |
In GST eInvoice or eWayBill Excel or JSON generation
from sales invoice entry, if document was not having
sufficient details then it was generating for full day.
Now solved. |
In GST eInvoice if amount is in foreign currency then
discount amount also displaying in foreign currency. Now
solved. |
In GST eInvoice or eWayBill generation if user has not
selected any documents then program was generating for
all documents. Now it will not generate. |
New field GST eWaybill Valid Upto has provided in sales
invoice entry. |
New IRP change feature has been provided in GST API
setup. If eInvoice1.gst.gov.in portal is not
working then user can change IRP to portal 2 then
program will generate eInvoice on Invoice2.gst.gov.in
portal. |
New GSP portal change feature has been provided in GST
API setup. If GST main portal is not working then user
can change to two - secondary portal to generate
eInvoice and eWayBill. |
Now if user adjust pending documents for cash and bank
entry from on account adjustment option then it will
generate narration like cash and bank entry. |
Now in month lock option, supervisor can lock option for
all user. |
In future microbrain website will transfer to secured
server, so to connect new https://www.microbrain.in
server option provided in Help & Support info
option. |
Now validated GSTIN using API, program will store
Registration Date, Cancellation Date & Status and
the icon near GSTNo field will change according to
status. |
In bank reconciliation statement entry, if there was
multiple entry in ledger for receipt or payment then
program was also displaying entry before start
reconciliation date. Now solved |
In audit trail report, it was displaying duplicate
entries for purchase and sales. Now resolved. |
In standard all transaction stock summary statement, it
was not displaying stock quantity properly. Now solved. |
In all sales, purchase and stock related entries, if
there was duplicate items then it was not displaying
stock quantity properly. Now solved. |
Now in GST eInvoice program will check for 6 digit of
HSN code. |
Now in GST eInvoice program will not check for port
code. |
March 2023 Version 4.11.064 |
If user is generating GST eWayBill from IRN then program
was not generating NULL value for empty string and
portal was displaying error while uploading it and also
displays error while generating using GST API. Now
solved. |
Now in validate GSTNo in GSTR1 & GSTR2 annexure,
program will display blank GSTNo parties. |
If company has changed database server and using GST API
then while selecting company it was displaying error.
Now solved. |
Now in all entry, credit period will pickup from party
only if user changes party and in all entry, credit
period will pickup source document. |
In cheque forwarding letter if user exports letter for
multiple party and selects individual mailing/exporting
then programs was overwriting letters. Now solved. |
November 2022 Version 4.11.063 |
In company setup if user selects branch then it was
displaying error. Now solved. |
In Email setting, now user can see password. |
Now In GST eInvoice & eWaybill option start date
& last date will be todays date and selected
documents will be checked. |
Now in backup option, program will also take backup of
QRCode folder. |
In sales invoice option, if GST supply type is Export
then by default program will select Other Territory in
Place of Supply. If GST supply type is Export and user
changes GST place of supply then program will not
initialise export related information. |
Now If user has entered scheme quantity and free
quantity In pricelist master then it will pickup in data
entry. |
In client computer when user selects company then it was
displaying error for SpectrumGSTAPI.mdb file not found.
Now Solved. |
Various changes for WhatsApp API. |
July 2022 Version 4.11.062 |
New chargeable WhatsApp API module has been
incorporated. With this module user can WhatsApp
documents and reports to any WhatsApp mobile no. who has
consented to receive your WhatsApp message. |
New Editlog facility has been provided. Once you enable
it, then it will store log details of each and every
edit or delete for ACCOUNTING
IT. |
Now reports can be exported or emailed in HTML file in
better way. Also now you can email Outstanding Reminder,
Cheque Forwarding Letter, Account Confirmation, Balance
Confirmation, Loan Confirmation etc. in HTML format. |
Now from Status enquiry option, user can print report in
better way. |
In all GST Annexures option, a supervisor can lock or
unlock all parameters. |
Now in GST eInvoice and eWayBill, user can use item name
plus item description as item name in eInvoice and
eWayBill. |
Now program will display GST API expiry date while
displaying balance count. |
In all data entry window and Consignee field heading
changed to Ship To / Consignee. |
New field dispatch from has been provided in sales
related entries like sales order, sales invoice etc. in
which user can enter from where goods has to be
dispatched. If users enters party in dispatch from field
then, program will pickup that party address details for
dispatch from details in GST eWayBill & eInvoice. |
Now new facility has been provided to generate TDS
journal entry against sales invoice in auto TDS JV
option. |
Now user can delete GSTR2A & GSTR2B reconciliation
entries. |
Now program will not import eWayBill no from GST
eInvoice downloaded excel file if eWayBill no. is Zero. |
Now in debit note to customer entry, if user will select
export with duty then program will allow to enter export
gst code. |
May 2022 Version 4.10.061 |
Now user can enter Shipping bill no., Shipping Bill Date
& Port Code in Credit Note & Debit Note Entry. |
In GST eInvoice Option, Now user can import downloaded
excel file from any folder. |
Now in GST Party details option user can enter Party
Address, City & Pin. |
Now in sales invoice entry, user can import downloaded
excel file from GST eInvoice portal. |
Now in eWayBill From_GSTIN, From_Address, From_State
will pickup from branch or company. |
Now in sales invoice entry, in F3 key it will display
eInvoice Ack No. & IRN No. |
eTDS & eTDSSalary changed for TDS FVU 7.5 |
Now in GST eInvoice & GST eWayBill, program will
allow Zero value in distance in KM. |
Now in GST API Setup, it will ask to generate eWayBill
from IRN. If user selects it then program will generate
eWayBill from IRN. |
Now while generating eInvoice, it will not check
eWayBill Details if generate eWayBill with eInvoice has
not selected. |
If eWayBill has generated before eInvoice, then program
will not pass eWayBill while generating eInvoice. |
Now while generating GST eWayBill, program will check
blank transporter GST No. |
In Year end option, if there is no files in Image Folder
then it was displaying error. Now solved. |
In Purchase Bill, Cash Purchase, Supplier Credit Note,
Supplier Debit Note, SaleNote & Expense Bill entry,
if user not passing cursor once to GST Place of Supply
box then program was not saving Place of Supply. Now
Solved. |
In purchase order it was not picking additional fields
of purchase indent. Now solved. |
Version requires a change in database structure, So please
take backup first before installing the updates. |
February 2022 Version 4.10.060 |
While generating eWayBill & eInvoice, It was
displaying Error No. 412 for Authentication Token
Expire. Now Solved. |
December 2021 Version 4.10.058 |
New validate GST No. features has provided in GSTR1
& GSTR2 for customer is using GST API Module. |
New branch group field has provided in sales &
purchase analysis report. |
In bill wise stock ledger page total c/f & b/f was
not proper. Now solved. |
October 2021 Version 4.09.057 |
In expense bill entry if user changes Place of Supply
and company is having branch then program is changes
place of Supply to branch state code. Now Solved. |
In Version 4.08.054 & above, program was checking
system information to get local IP address. But in some
computer where system files are corrupted then it was
displaying error while starting application. Now program
will not check system information file and will not get
local ip address. |
TDS FVU 7.3 changes |
August 2021 Version 4.09.056 |
Now once you click update button in GST Report option
in any company the same updates will be available for
all company and for all client computer. Now You don't
require to click update in all company and in all client
computer. |
Now in GSTR2A & GSTR2B Import, program will ask
user to import transactions if date is before start date
and after last date. |
Now in GSTR2A & GSTR2B, program will also
reconcile Import of Goods and Import of Goods SEZ
transaction. |
Now in sales invoice if user clicks button to
generate Excel / JSON or run API for eInvoice then
program will check for Non GST Items / Exempted / Nil
Rated Items and if found then it will display message
for confirmation to generate eInvoice. |
If user calculate distance in sales invoice entry and in
next sales invoice entry if user click on map button but
don't calculate distance then program will pickup
previous calculated distance. Now solved. |
If default store has not entered and there is no item
has entered and user clicks on map button then it was
displaying error. Now solved. |
Now in branch
master if state name is more than 30 character then
program will truncate it. |
June 2021 Version 4.09.055 |
NEW GSTR2B Reconciliation has provided. |
Now user can't delete audit trail report. |
While importing downloaded eInvoice excel, it was
displaying duplicate IRN. Now Solved. |
Now in Invoice wise outstanding report, program will
print on account amount in pending amount column to
display net outstanding in total. |
Now in outstanding option of status enquiry, it will ask
to display only due bills. |
Now in GSTR2A & GSTR2B program will user Place of
Supply field, in place of state field. |
Now in GSTR2A & GSTR2B reconciliation, program will
reconcile for Debit & Credit Note. |
Now in GSTR2A & GSTR2B reconciliation, program will
match only if both bill is exactly same. |
Now in GSTAPI program will ask to connect to secured
server. |
Now in GSTAPI last URL command, Response and Error will
store in text file. |
Now in GSTAPI it will show response text for every
error. |
New field FaItemBatchSerialMaster.MRP has been provided
in recordset of Batchwise stock statement. |
Now in SMS
all URL command, Response and Error will store in text
file. |
Master updated with latest. |
Now in
eWayBill & eInvoice, User can upload summary of
items. |
Now in
standard report, while exporting report to excel program
will not wrap text to next row. |
April 2021 Version 4.08.054 |
New Activation features has provided to work on RDP
server located at data centre. |
Now in GST
API Get eWayBill Transporter Details will get
Transporter Name and Transporter GSTIN. |
In purchase
and salenote entry, it was picking previous entry item
costing in new entry. Now solved. |
Now in
standard export in Excel file, program will not insert (')
sign before any text cell. |
importing GST eInvoice details from downloaded excel
file it was displaying error, if eWayBill was not
generated because of any error. Now solved. |
generating eInvoice, if user has entered eWayBill limit
amount then program was not generating eInvoice if
amount is less than eWayBill limit amount. Now solved. |
importing GST eInvoice details from downloaded excel
file it was displaying error, if company is having
serial not branch.. Now solved. |
generating eInvoice or eWayBill, if user selects
selected documents then it was not displaying documents
in document no. order. Now solved. |
importing GST eInvoice details from downloaded excel
file it was displaying error, if company is not having
branch and series and document number is only one
character. Now solved |
Now dynamic
QRCode (NOT eInvoice SIGNED QRCODE) height and
witdh can be change while designing document. |
Now dynamic
QRCode (NOT eInvoice SIGNED QRCODE) image file
created with control tag or name. |
Now to send
SMS as per new TRAI rules, EntityID & TemplateID
fields has provided in SMS setup. |
eTDS Salary
has changed as per TDS FVU 7.01 |
Now in MAP
API, program will pickup PINCODE of default store code
if entered else it will pickup PINCODE first item store
code and in both case GSTIN has entered. |
January 2021 Version 4.08.053 |
Facility to Import GST
eInvoice details like IRN, Acknowledgement No. &
Date, eWayBill No., SignedQRCode from downloaded Excel
files from eInvoice Portal. |
GST API , Now user can get details of eWayBill No.
generated by party or transporter. |
will not ask for TCS if Party PAN No. is same as company
PAN No. (For Branch Transfer) |
facility has provided to skip generation of eWayBill
with eInvoice, if amount does not exceeds limits. |
January 2021 Version 4.08.051 |
provided to generate eWayBill from IRN, in case
transport details received after generation of eInvoice. |
GST API, Now Party Legal Name will be picked up and
replaced in master from details received while
validating GST No. |
December 2020 Version 4.08.050 |
to Import GST eInvoice details like IRN, Acknowledgement
No. & Date, eWayBill No., SignedQRCode from
downloaded JSON files from eInvoice Portal. |
GST API, Now user can Import Supplier Invoice Details in
Purchase Bill Entry with just one click of button.
October 2020 Version 4.08.049 |
to generate SignedQRCode from downloaded JSON file from
eInvoice Portal. |
October 2020 Version 4.08.048 |
GST API, Now user can generate eInvoice in just one
click of button. |
October 2020 Version 4.08.047 |
to generate eInvoice Excel & JSON file from
Spectrum. |
Amount in Calculation Entry and Auto calculate if
amount exceeds limits. |